Tuesday, June 28, 2016


The mayor of Bamfield, British Columbia opened her eyes at exactly 6:01am, without the benefit of an alarm clock.  She stared at the ceiling for a moment and then eased herself out of bed and walked sleepily into the kitchen.  Pouring water into the coffee maker, she looked out the window to take in her stunning view of Barkley Sound.   Instead, the view was obscured by low cloud and dense of mixed with steady rain.  She sighed.  "Doug and David must be visiting again."


What a difference a day makes.  After a mixed bag of weather upon leaving Victoria, our Port Renfrew to Bamfield day filled us with a sense of well-being.  The forecast had promised sunny weather for most of our trip and now it had delivered.  We pulled into Bamfield like conquering champions, back to Barkley Sound for the sunny visit we were supposed to have two years ago.  We fuelled up, bought some extra provisions and proceeded to our first stop, Port Alberni Yacht Club.  PAYC is located in Robbers Passage between Flemming Island and Tzartus Island.  Unfortunately there was no one home.  This didn't stop up from tying up at the dock but it did preclude us from having the unlimited $2 hot shower that we remembered so fondly from our last visit.  The unlimited shower is owing to an active artesian spring the club has tapped into and a recently installed on-demand hot water heater.  No matter, we had all the peace and quiet we could stand in surroundings that were so beautiful they would bring a tear to your eye.

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