Sunday, June 19, 2016

Mobile Post: Juan de Fuca Strait

Good fun in Victoria last night. We had dinner and drinks at an old favourite of mine, the Sticky Wicket. The bar was filled with US Navy sailors on shore leave from their destroyer tied up nearby in Esquimalt. David, being the hyper-social guy that he is, began chatting them and buying them drinks. What ensued was inevitable, as was how I feel this morning. I'm the smartest guy in the world at 7am. 

Heading out of Victoria Harbiur as I write this and the view is expansive. The Juan de Fuca Strait lies before us with the Olympic mountains in the background. Race Rocks light station is just off our bow. I'd love to motor over and check out the sea lions that rest there but we have 50 nautical miles to get to Port Renfrew and the wind is right on our nose. Not a moment to lose. 


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