Thursday, January 17, 2013

Waiting to bring her home...

About 4 years ago, a good friend asked if I would consider joining him on a week long "cruise and learn" sailing course.  He'd been riding along with his brothers on sailing trips for a while and he decided it was time to learn how to be a proper sailer.  At first I balked at joining, mostly because I thought I'd sink a bunch of money into learning only to let it all slip away because it was too expensive to charter boats.  In the end I relented, and in the end I was right.  But fortunately (or unfortunately) I caught the sailing bug in the process so I did the only thing I could do:  I found a willing accomplice and bought a used sailboat.  That accomplice is my friend and colleague David, also an enthusiastic neophyte sailor.  This is the story of our boat acquisition and our unfolding adventures on her.  I invite you to laugh, cringe, judge (if you must) our experiences with us as they happen.  Thanks for visiting.

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